Sunday, January 1, 2012

End of day 33

So much has happened since my last post! It was almost a week ago.... Wednesday morning was supposed to be this huge mile stone, It was when he turned four weeks old! That is when you can introduce food, and once he is on food the risk of pneumonia goes away. That morning we noticed that Treble was sounding congested... worst morning ever... we had kept antibiotics on hand just in case and so I went ahead and started him on them. He got worse really fast for about two hours. And then his breathing cleared up. After a couple of hours he sounded much better. By that night he sounded completely normal. He is still on antibiotics and I will keep him on them until this coming wednesday. So we waited until yesterday to introduce the whole solid food thing. His teeth are just breaking through. He has been trying to chew on the bottle instead of suck. Usually with puppies the first food is soaked in water and pushed up til its the consistancy of soup, but if we did that with him it would go up the giant whole in his nose/mouth. So he has to skip straight to kibbles. He was super interested in them. He licked them and mouthed them, and then spit them out. I think he may have actually swallowed a kibble or two tonight. AND tomorrow he is graduating from his VCR box to a regular wire kennel, still on top of the table with his heating pad. He keeps trying to climb out of the box and im worried he will fall. He really wants to be able to see what is going on around him. I will have to get a new video of him walking because the old one is already super outdated, He walks like a pro now! I got some great pictures that I wanted to post tonight of him and my Aunts long haired chihuahua (she thinks that he is her baby) but they were on my grandmas camera so I have to get them on my computer first. So he is doing great! just gotta get him on food so I can stop getting up in the middle of the night to feed him.

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