Tuesday, January 10, 2012

End of day 42/ catch up on all of the cute pictures that I keep forgetting to post...

So just to catch you up: Treble has been redubbed (again) by my Aunt. who is going to keep him. So his name is now Stuart Little. I still call him Treble, Baby and sometimes Stuart. Im going to put a lot of pics up on this post because he has become the MOST ADORABLE thing ever!!!! I will put them in chronological order starting with right after I posted last week.
                                              "Hmmm, what shall I post on my blog today?"

                                                                Coffee cup puppy!
                                          "Mawage, Mawage is wat bwings us togeda today."
                                                              Time for a snooze!
       :) at the moment he was being super sweet and then he bit my nose! he was a little wild man tonight, I have a video of him running around the house but I can't seem up upload video...Ill try again later.

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