Wednesday, December 14, 2011

2 Weeks Old

Its pretty late and I already fed Trebble for the last time before I go to bed so I will keep the post brief. His other eye is partially open now :) he is still at 5 oz. and we ended up having to give him another enema tonight after 2 1/2 days of him not pooping... But tonight Treble did the cutest thing ever. While I was turning the water on and getting a paper towel ready to wash him off a little he curled up and fell asleep in my hand. He hasn't done that since he was just a couple of days old. (I've gotten a couple hand pics but it was just a lucky snap of the camera, he wasn't fast asleep) It was a pretty awesome feeling to see him sleeping in the palm of my hand completely relaxed. He started to wake up after about ten minutes so I put my other hand out and he settled back down and went back to sleep.  I couldn't pick a picture so I decided to put them both up. I already had gotten the video from a little earlier. He is starting to use his back legs a lot more to walk around. Well, so much for brief! not too long though... goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Tori,
    He looks great! He is still more than half the weight of the runt, "Peanut." Trebble's sister (the biggest) almost has her eyes open this morning. They all have just started doing the walking thing yesterday (the 14th). So he is developing right where they are too! Kudos to you and your family for saving his life. The vet gave him little hope. (the one we took him to) Jehovah cares for all his creations. How it makes his heart glad when we treat them with such love and kindness!!! Thank you SO much!
