Friday, December 9, 2011

Belated end of day 9/ Beginning of day 10

       I was sooooo tired last night that I didn't post anything, and a lot has happened. Yesterday morning I noticed that Treble has a small sore on his nose/lip area. I think it must be from the hard plastic of the syringe tip. So we stopped using the syringe to feed him. He was having a little success with the bottle by putting on the GIANT nipple. It looks like there is no way it should fit into his mouth, but it does! But he it was really slow, and he was using up a lot of energy for a little food. By last night we could tell he hadn't been getting enough formula and he was slowing down. It was VERY frusterating, I was not going to lose to a sore the size of a period! Then we came up with the idea to us a 5 ml dropper and tried that. We have to put a drop of formula on his toungue at a time but it works and he is actually eating more now than with the syringe.
     Meanwhile, Treble hadn't pooped since Wed. at noon. We waited until 9 and he still hadnt gone. While we were trying to decide what to do about that he started shaking- which really freaked me out. What we think it was is low blood sugar, so we gave him some nutrical and caro syrup (which is also supposed to help with constipation) by then the shaking had stopped. Then we decided to give Treble another enema (did I forget to mention we gave him an enema last time he was constipated? That's probably because last time it didn't work). Giving a 4 oz. puppy an enema is actually not as horrible as it sounds, and this time it worked. Now that we had solved the eating problem, the shaking problem, and the pooping problem, he was good to go. 
Day 9 Weight- 4 1/2 oz,

     That brings us to this morning, Day 10. We are almost halfway through week 2 already. During the feedings last night Treble was up to eating 3-4 CC and this morning he weighed in at 4 3/4 oz. which means he has officially gained an entire ounce since he was born. He is at work with me now, at my dads office.

      Oh! I almost forgot as of wednesday night (after my post) Treble has upgraded from a shoe box to a VCR box. He was getting to active for the shoe box, he would go round and round in the little shoebox. He still does it in the VCR box but he has more room, he has to grow those muscles! I'll try to post a video of it soon.

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