Monday, December 19, 2011

Mid Day 20

I know, I know. Im a horrible blogger! But Ive been busy and tired and there really hasn't been a whole lot to say. He is still figuring out how to get up on his feet, he tumbles a little less now. We are stilll struggling with making sure he is getting enought out of the bottle, its very hit and miss, one time he gets 4 cc's and the next time you do exactly the same thing and he only gets .5 cc's. And we are still struggling with getting him to poop, he has started to pee on his own and sometimes he looks like he is trying to poop. But he hasn't been able to poop without assistance since he was a week old, I have no idea why. He hasn't made it past 5 1/4 oz. He reached 5 1/4 oz briefly on day 14 and since then he keeps fluctuating from 5 to 5 1/8 to 5 1/4 to 5 3/8. Right now he seems to be holding steady at 5 1/4 but I really want to see that number grow! I think he might be able to hear because today when I walked up to the box and said hey little baby he hopped up and started squirming around. But it could have been one of his other senses, maybe he smelled me, or saw me. So in the picture he is on my hand and the pic is taken from my arm, so thats my wrist you see. He is geting so active that it is hard to get a good picture of him!

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